15 years of the Maine Foliage Report
Posted on October 22, 2023
From mid September to late October every year without fail, I receive my favorite email newsletter of all time: the Maine Foliage Report.
Published by the Maine Department of Agriculture, a search of my email shows I’ve been receiving it since 2009, and the format has remained unchanged: a comprehensive report on the stage of color change across 7 zones of the state of Maine:
Although I haven’t lived in Maine permanently since 2011, every time autumn comes around I have a profound sense of nostalgia for the crisp air and the scent of decomposing leaves as days shorten and Maine winds down from the breezy, long summer days to the dark, cold, short days of winter.
When I'm older it's my dream to return to Maine to live out my final years in a house that I design. Maybe in the Stonington/Deer Isle area. A pilots license with my own small plane at a nearby municipal airport would be a nice touch.